My own son struggles with this. No matter what I do with him, he would still guess and keep going or wait for me to tell him the word. I have created these with your new readers in mind. I wanted to give students a way think their way through a strategy. These reading strategy strips do just that.
First, there are over 100 sentences included with this pack. (111 to be exact) I wanted to use sight words that kindergarten and first grade students learn. I cross referenced two different popular sight word lists and took some of the more popular ones. I also wanted sentences that students had to not only pick a picture, but also to vocalize why they chose it.
There are two options for these sentences. One option has only one picture and students are decoding more of the words and trying to make sense of the picture and their schema.
I also created sentences that have two pictures on the card. I wanted students to use a strategy and circle the one they thought went with the sentence.
You are able to store them on rings. I used 2 inch rings from Amazon. You can find them here. I put 27 ish on each.
The great thing about these are that if you laminate them, students can start by going through with you modeling each step. Students can then circle not only the strategy but also the word that made them circle which strategy.
I wanted to ensure that your students had the same strategy pictures as well, so I have included four different themed sentences to match your classroom strategy cards.
Students can use dry erase markers with these.
Storage is simple. The rings can be placed on magnetic hooks, push pin bulletin boards or on a peg board. I used this peg board that I got from Bullseye's Playground.
The best part, is that I have added a strategy tracking template. That way you are able to track student growth and streamline what your students need more reinforcement with. These are perfect for data binders!
These are a great warm up for guided reading. Have each student take and work on the same four - five cards. Have them complete the activity independently and then discuss the strategy used. The amazing thing about these strips is that there can be different strategies used. It depends on the student. They are able to have a conversation with one another to explain their thinking.
I also have friends use these strategy bookmarks while they are reading. I have them put a paperclip on and slide to the strategy they used. After our lesson, we all take a minute and share one word we used and the strategy that was used. You can see those here, or click the picture above.
During guided reading groups, I also put these clear picture dividers up and put the strategy posters inside. They are a great reminder and but also adds a bit of privacy!
You can find the clear dividers here. You can click on the picture above to grab the strategy posters.
Students do their strategy lesson first, then we go into our work work. The magnetic letter return sheet can be found here or by clicking the link above.
My sweet friends reference these posters ALL THE TIME when they read.
You can check out a few videos of these in use.
If you'd like to purchase these sentence strips, click any of the pictures.
Be sure to pin the image below for future reference.
I hope allow your students to feel successful, confident and excited readers!

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