I have been making these ornaments for the last 5 years. I started because I wanted a cute ornament that was inexpensive for my son to give to his grandparents. I also knew I was working with a baby, and I would make mistakes. SO, I need something that I could fix if we messed it up. These are SO.EASY. I still make them each year with Reid. We just try to find a different one to make. They are adorable and affordable. Since they are so affordable, I thought I would try them with my class. I can do an entire class set for less than $5.00 TOTAL.
Yes, you read that correct. This entire project cost me less than $5.00. I did have quite a few things at my house. I am betting you have these things as well, so it will cost you even less than $5.00.
First, you go to Home Depot. You will need to grab these tiles. It is only $2.57 for the entire sheet. You can have 25 kids make their ornament for $2.57 (plus tax)
You can use regular scissors to cut these up. I bend them until I get a few pieces. Then, I just use my scissors to cut away the yellow "caulking" stuff.
I always have paint pens in my possession, but you can grab these for $2.00 each at Micheals. Grab your coupon for even bigger savings! You will need a few paintbrushes. I use acrylic paint. It adheres better to the tile. You can buy sealer spray. I have used it on a few of Reid's and a few I didn't. I can't even tell the difference.
First, have the kids write their name at the top with a paint pen, so it doesn't smear.
If they do the bottom, then you will have to do the ornament backwards, which can be trouble, or you can have them write their name on the bottom at the end.
I use their fingerprints as much as possible. This one is the reindeer. Start with painting on the paint on their fingers. I put a good amount, but not too much. If you give the right amount, it looks like actual fur like the picture above.
Then, any details they add, I have them add with their brush, brush up in the air, using the handle to draw it on like a pencil. I even tell them to hold it like a pencil.
They "draw" on their details.
The paints I use are just these tiny ones you can pick up for .50 at Michaels. See how I have them use the tip of the brush as a pencil?
For the eyes, they do the same thing. They "draw" them on. Just dipping the black dots for eyes.
Then, I paint red paint on their pinky finger to get the smallest circle for the nose.
Look at those eyes! so cute. Sometimes, I do have to touch up with a brush and paint if it doesn't work the first time.
Tell them this isn't the cutest?!
I always have them write the year on the tile as well.
This is too precious!
To add the back, I just put hot glue in a V shape.
Then, I press the ribbon down. I got the ribbon in the end, spinny thing by Michaels (such professional wording). It was a buck for a roll!
This is what it looks like all glued on.
Here is a gingerbread. So darn cute.
These are a few of the choices that my friends made this year. I LOVE the wreath!
One word to the wise - when doing the penguin - don't let your kids do the black tip of the eyes - it will be a hot mess. They only need the smallest (seriously, the tip barely touches the white paint) dip and they can't do it. You should do the black part. It really sucks to have to wipe clean and start over because you let them do the black of the eyes.
Love how this penguin is looking at the snowman.
They all have such personality.
Once it is hanging on the tree - everyone will love it. I promise!
The best part about it is that this gift will not break the bank! Your parents will love it and so will the kids!
I'd love for you to share what you come up with! :)
Merry Christmas.

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