Can I just tell you what joy I get out of finding and creating funny teacher meme's?
It is the BEST. THING. EVER!!!
I decided to have a teacher meme contest. The winner will get a $50 TPT gift card!!!!
Here are a few of my favorites:
My husband works outside year round, so this is him to me EVERY time I share any kind of distain from teacher exhaustion.
Sadly, I know we ALL feel this way from time to time.
This is me legit EVERY single time I walk in the door.
You know you do this - even if in your head, you still think it!
yep! Every single time
Might be the BEST feeling ever!!!!
Can you relate?
On Friday's you never know what you will find in the staff lounge!
This may be my ALL TIME favorite meme. It is so hard to keep a straight face sometimes!
So there you have it!
Be sure to follow the rules to win:
1. Create an ORIGINAL meme
2. Put your name on it!!! (I will feature some of my entries and pin them and you want credit!)
3. Tag me @justaprimarygirl on instagram and tag two friends to play along
4. use the following 2 hashtags #teachermemes and #justaprimarygirlfunnies
You will have a chance to win a $50 TPT gift card!!!
Lots of Luck!!!!

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