I just wanted to pop in and share my Natural Resource and Earth Day pack with you!
While you are here, click on the image below to see my Earth Day Pinterest Board!
My friends have enjoyed our Natural Resources and Earth Day Activities! I am so happy that they were able to have a hands on experience creating their own green cleaner!
We started with our vocabulary cards that will be in my focus board!
We also do Earth Day vocabulary practice quezzles! They love these so much!
Here are the ingredients for the green cleaner!
I loved that each student was able to do one step at a time and have a chance to do something. This could easily be a partner activity. I had 4-5 kids per group. They each had something to do!
Their favorite part was turning their yellow lemon juice and blue dawn into fizzy (from the baking soda) into GREEN!!!!!
We had some review activities and a poem that they enjoyed!
I hope you can find this useful in your classroom!
Have a great Earth Day!

Your kids look like they are having a blast! I love anything hands on.
Teaching and Much Moore
Bachelor of Finance & Banking in uae