Hey guys!
I am sitting here wondering how it is already July 10th? My summer is already halfway over. I go back on the 20th of August - what about you guys? I haven't had time to get nearly half the things I wanted to get ready! Do you have a laundry list of things you need to get done too? I am so glad I am not alone!!!
I have really been focusing on being more organized. I know it probably seems like I am beating myself up over it, but I just can't help it. I spent SO MUCH time searching for things that if they were just properly labeled, would have been a cinch to find. On the exterior, I looked so organized, that is until someone stopped by my room at the end of the school day and said, hey, I know you have 16 pairs of hole punchers, can I borrow one - and I was all - sure - let me grab them. I walk into my closet and was like - shoot - where are they? lol To tell someone you will bring them down when you find them - next week - isn't exactly when they needed them, and I didn't have time to find them either! Goodness! What a mess!
I remember when it was clean and simple for me - my first year of teaching when I had nothing! Sometimes I wish I could go back to that time... So here is a trip down memory lane for you!
Circa 2009 School Year.
This was me back in 2008 when I had all my stuff in my garage. This was just the one wall. Are ya kidding me? The great thing is that fast forward six years, and I still have every single piece still. Nothing has broken - It's funny because I had a ton of labels on my drawers - can you see them? Get out your magnifying glass, they are there. I thought I was SO cool that all my stuff was labeled and I could find stuff!
My closet was awesome. I also had a HUGE storage area, closet and cabinet space. Look how organized I was. I didn't match, and my labels were just avery labels with my handwriting, but look!!! I even had my big books hanging with hangers! I had my M-F bins ready to go. It was heaven! Oh yes, that is a stick vacuum, by the way - best thing ever for the class. It was $5 on black Friday and worth it - Used it to get spiders, ants, and after snack time when it was messy! Now this was in 2009, so don't make fun!
Here is another picture of what I thought was organized - I also had NO stuff! See that fish? That was where you could find all my math supplies and booklets. Pretty slick right? I also had more handwritten Avery labels on those bins!
Here is one more trip down memory lane for you. Look how cute. I loved having tables rather than desks - of course it was kindergarten, but my kids loved having a drawer to put their stuff in. Everything matched, was neat and clean....
My posts for Monday Made It would have been long - I made the curtains out of sheets, the flowers and the pencil buckets!
Oh my library was so organized, and most even had bin labels that I created. I am embarrassed of those labels now! haha I even had crate seats back then in 2009!!! Check me out! I also painted the Dr. Seuss and Olivia posters you see!
This chair is my baby. it has been thru so many changes. I got it at a yard sale for $8 that summer. That is a sheet and pillow case left over from my curtains. I also made that pocket chart holder. We reviewed spelling words on it!
My homemade calendar area - did I mention my whole wall that you see black was magnetic. Best class ever.
This was my spotless jobs board and behavior chart. Sort of like a clip chart but only had three spots, right spot, thought spot, and wrong spot. hahah
Ok enough of my blast from the past! Have you seen my latest creation?!
In my room this year, we are using bucket filling again! I love this as much as my kids do! You can click on the poster pictures below to see them in my teachers pay teachers store.
I printed two on a page to make a mini bulletin board set. I blew the poem up two a poster that took two sheets to make it that big.
Each poster relates to ways you can be a bucket filler so when kids needs to write their notes, they can go to the board and pick one - thanks for letting me play with your toys, thanks for holding the door for me, etc. Gives them ideas instead of I like your shirt, or your are my friend. It reinforces having a good reason for giving someone a note!
Aren't they the cutest!?
The posters come in three different formats to choose from.
This comes all alone here with just my posters and the poem.
Or you can find it bundled with the pack below here.
Click on any page below to see the bundle. It that has activities, writing prompts, scenarios, word searches etc.
If you are just interested in the bucket fillers pack, click here. The only overlap is the poem. It is found in both packs. It's $7.00 for the set separately, or it is only $5.00 for the entire bundle.
What did you class look like 6 years ago?

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